Hollow glass equipment as an emerging industry, has experienced more than 10 years of development, as a new industry, hollow glass equipment industry has a small state, hollow glass equipment industry has experienced many years of development, a lot of product standards have agreed a vulgar, but hollow glass equipment industry at present there are still some problems hollow glass equipment restricts the healthy and rapid development of the industry, it is hollow glass equipment industry standards.
At present, each manufacturer of hollow glass equipment standards are not the same, hollow glass equipment does not have uniform standard will result in price and quality are difficult to distinguish, the hollow glass of customers to buy cause great distress.
A lot of hollow glass insulating glass equipment factory to buy when they feel see things in a blur.
At present, learned from the departments concerned, hollow glass equipment industry standards has been developed, which will give the hollow glass equipment industry to bring new vitality and orderly market order, hollow glass equipment industry to bring new vitality and development.
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